Jayleen: Isabelle!!! Lemme take a picture of you! Isabelle : Oi! Don't ha! I tell you don't ha! Ker Lynn : Lemme see your phone please.. Jayleen : Erm.. don't need.. grabs phone tightly.. Isabelle: *snatches phone* Jayleen: ISABELLE!!!! Gimme back!!! Ker Lynn : Isabelle!! Isabelle! Give me! Jayleen: Oi!!! You people ha!! Ker Lynn: *runs with phone* Jayleen : *chases Ker Lynn* Isabelle: Come here! Give me give me! *takes phone and run* Jayleen: OH MY GOSH!!! *runs to Isabelle* Isabelle: Hahahaha!!! Oh gods!! Jayleen: *runs runs runs* Isabelle: *runs runs runs* *turns* Jayleen: *pull Isabelle* Isabelle: OH MY GOD! *crash butt on the floor* Jayleen: Ahhh!! *crash butt on the floor* Isabelle and Jayleen: Hahahaha!! My ass!! Isabelle: *gives back phone* luckily I save your phone Jayleen: OH MY GOD! So sorry.. haha.. Isabelle: Hahaha.. Its okay.. Jayleen and Isabelle: *walk away*
This is how me and Isabelle crash our butts ont he floor.. >..<