After exam! Holidays are finally here.. I got 93% for math.. that wasn't that good.. I think I didn't do well in Sejarah.. Didn't know the others yet. Okay. forget about it. AND Holidays are here! BUT i still need to go to school, for?? FOR FAME UP!! Its about to come soon.. less than 28 days till performance! Today - March 13 2010! I went for Cheerleading competition.. iSorak.. the first and first of the year cheer comp I had.. Didn't do well.. but will be going for finals tomorrow.. =D Will not screw up.. damn the technical prob.. ITS KAY! Will do better tomorrow! GO VJ'S AND VS'! Vivacious spirit will NEVER fade away!
Holidays! got tuition, got fame up prac, got homeworks! Its no holiday for me.. I dowan holidays! i wanna go school not to study to go see friends.. hehe.. SEE MY RABBIT! LOL!