The only thing I can actually think of now is you. There really isn't much to blog about lately but just about you. You've got no idea how much I miss you, how much I miss us. I come home from school everyday feeling super lonely because usually everytime when I come home, you'll be there spamming my whatsapp & I'll be there telling you how much I miss you & stuffs & it goes on.
Now, I'm even afraid to say "hi" because I'm afraid to ruin your day or annoy you. I just really am putting the effort to have you back but I don't think any differences will be made. :(
Alison.. I really do..
Here's a super adorable picture of you.
So in love with you. Especially when you wear your pajamas. It's so cute.
I miss you so much baby. I know you won't come back, but just remember I'm waiting.
I love you. ❤