I'm putting 2nd November 12' into one of the memories. ;)
Yesterday was a good good day. (Y) a good good day indeeeeed.
Went skating with le love and her friends at Queens.
She was laaaaaaate. like suuuuuuuupaaaa lateeeeeeee. and I forgot to kill her for that.
It's okay, I'll kill you next time! :D
thanks for the dayyyy. :3
I miss you alreaaaaady. Like alreaaaady.
I don't know what to say.
Okay, pictures.
I'm sorry Alisonnnn but you're too adorable.
teeheee. :3
Now, I present you my all time retard who never fails to make me smile.
and yet the retard I love most. :3
cause righhhht, without her, I wouldn't be who I am now.
I'm so awesome, i know.
we're so cute, we know.
teehee..woohoo..weeepee. yay..
Cause when you have a cute girlfriend/boyfriend you have to yet post pictures. literaaaaaaaaaaally.
kbye, I wanna go roll.
oh and yes.
thankyou for the RED Album.
this is the 1200823123812 time
like i said, I feel bad accepting stuffs from people. :P
but thankyou.