I miss you. I miss us. I miss every moment we had. I love you & I will always do.
I know I've been messing things up lately but I swear as heel regretted every move I made.
Things aren't the same no more, would it be back to normal? Would you make the choice to stay?
I know I've been hurting you real bad, I would love to kill myself. But whatever done was a huge mistake but yet also, what is there I can change about it?
I'll prove you wrong, I'll prove everybody wrong that I'm not such of an ass myself. That I do love you & soon I'll prove it.
That I do care & I'm not just saying.
I understand and I take all the blame on why people's hating on me.
You sure as hell don't deserve all these. All from how I've treated you.
I'll make it up to you, soon, now, this second.
I wish the us we used to be, will come back. I wish to have you all the time.
I want to hold you close & never let you go.
I want to love you that nobody will ever love you as much as I do.
I hate myself, I hate all I've done.
I hate seeing you like this. I hate all that's happening.
I'll make things right.
I won't be the useless girlfriend everyone thinks I am.
I love you Alison. Now, always, forever.