Hello! :)
I am so bored doing Moral right now. Yes, the torture of form 4. It sucks to the maximum. ):
I'm so sad right now. So depressed. So devastated.
I miss her. I miss her very much. It has been a week, well sort of like a week since I last saw her. Yes, the horror. Even if it's just a week, a week itself is so horrifying to listen.
Mum bailed on me on making me move schools, I'll be persuading till this week but I guess it will be too late?
She's moving school also. Yes, double the horror.
It's either an intl or CGL. mmmm. :)
Never mind, as long as she's happy.
but the trauma of INTERNATIONAL.. i won't be able to see her no moreeeeee..
no but really, it would be so difficult.. we both won't be in the same tuition no more and our holidays are all just so unoccupied. it's not the same. ):
this is so unfaaaaaaaair..
whatever, to the point.
I miss her so much..
I miss those times when I would see her like thrice a week at the malls or me crashing over her house.
I miss her hugs and kisses and her cuteness so badly. Yes, I'm very clingy...
speaking of clingy, I can be real possessive too. pfshh. i meant like who wouldn't be possessive over the person they love most right?
I'm soooooo soooooo insecure these days. god knows why. i just need her.
the fact that some really retarded conflict happen between my best friend and i. i've been disowned. ugh.
she's literally the only person i can depend on now.. Alisonnnnn, you're literally my everything right now!
I can't actually face the fact that my best friend..(was) or i don't know really know how to put this... downgraded me. oh the painnn you know..
but not to bring that up, I have my baby! :)
I just can't.. she's so cuteeee.
YES, I'M LIKE THIS REALLY OVERLY ATTACHED GIRLFRIEND and you people might find it annoying but ugh, i'm sorry ok. i just love her. didn't know it was wrong. D:
Yesssss, i miss you so bad so crazily terribly bad that i sound so uhh, overly attached... ._.
and again, i don't want to lose you. i don't knowwwww. them haters makes me feel like you'll give up on me one day. ): i don't like them haters. they eat free nothing to do. >(
but whatever, i love you ok. that is like the whole main thing you should know by now.You are my possession. that everybody should know so those admirers of yours or obsesses or uh. relationship breakers just to get you kind of people should disappear right out of my little love life.
our future talk was (Y) (Y) (Y) major thumbs up.. gahh, i just really don't see my life without you. i just don't.
i loved you as much yesterday, i love you way more today, i'll love you extremely much the next day and the love won't come to an end. (:
Oon Ee Kwan.
I'm sorry for almost everything. again. i know you don't like this sorry talk but heh, i'm a sorry person.
talk to me when you don't feel happy or when you're feeling down or when you don't like something I do.
I'll change for you. :)
You're my girlfriendbestfriendboyfriendhusbandwifesisterbrotherauntyunclemotherfathergrandmagrandpa . :)
I love you and I shall dedicate this song to you.
ifonlyicanplaytheguitarandifonlyicansing. ):
i just want to hold you.
i just want to kiss you.
i just want to love you all my life.