Helloooooo. :DD
It has been awhile since my ass came in here. ;D
It's Chinese New Year Eve! :))
But this post isn't about it.
I just finished eating. Im so full, im definitely gonna get faaaaat.
Anyways , on the 6th. :)) My baby and I finally get to vainnn, like a little.. :3
I love her oh so much. :)
Baby, I promised you to update my blog, so here it is. :))
I love you, I love you so much.
I don't know where my life would be w/o you.
You just fulfil my life. :)
and never forgetting a picture of her every time. :)))
she's just too cute to resist.
you're the cutest human i've ever met and the best also. :)
I hope you realize how much I love you and I fall for you even more as each day passes.
You deserve me and you're always good enough , in fact the best.
You don't deserve to be hurt
You don't deserve to not be loved.
I will show you all my love.
I trust you, every single trust , it's for you.
I am no where without you.
You are the reason my heart is still beating.
Alison Oon, will you stay with me always? :)
- Jayleen K -